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Commence of mission parish in Simaluguri at Assam

Pubblicato il: mercoledì 28 Febbraio 2024

Betharam Sacred Heart Priests and Incarnation Sisters conjointly do the Evangelization and Education in North East at Pamila village from 2018 along with eight villages nearby three hundred and fifty catholic families of different Triables people. The pastoral service at Simaluguri is small but very vibrant and diverse. It comprises of 7 substations with 300 families and 1400 Catholics, of the Arch diocese of Guwahati. We have Betharram Sacred Heart main parish church at Simaluguri and seven sub-stations, Holy Family church at Borpani, St. Mary’s church at Dhansila, St Antony’s church at Borbil, St Paul’s church at Chitolmari, St Joseph’s church at Vidyanagar, St Michael Garicoits church at Baithalangso and St Miriam church at Tivagon. Our pastoral ministry is diverse and unique in culture and ethnicity of our Christina community. They consist of different tribal groups of North-East namely Garo, Adivasi, Karbi and Thiva.  The Betharramite missionaries are at the service of the people in their spiritual and social growth and empowerment. We reach out to people who are in need of our service just as Jesus reached out to those outside. We are challenged as well as motivated every moment to get out of our comfort zone to welcome and embrace everyone like Jesus. We wish and pray that we would be able to continue the openness to pray with and for the people and readiness to reach out to the fringes.

It’s an intensive desire to concourse a space for a church to faith formation, so far, commitment and skillful of Parish priest Rev Fr. Sathish Paul Raj SCJ and Rev. Fr. Akhil Joseph SCJ and Rev Fr. Pobitro Minj SCJ it divinely and elegantly inception the church funding by donoers and sponsors accomplished on 26 January 2024 great presidency of Most Rt. Rev. John Moolachira, Archbishop of Guwahati Diocese.

Closing the Rogatory Inquiry: Unveiling the Profound Spiritual Journey of Mother Carla

Pubblicato il: giovedì 25 Gennaio 2024

I would like to commence by echoing the words of Mother Carla: “If we pause for a moment to meditate on the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word, we can only remain speechless and silent before the greatness of the Trinity” (Frascati, July 14, 2003).

Dear members of the Tribunal, dear Father Shiju Cleetus, dear Sister Carmela, dear Sisters and Friends, as we come together today to celebrate the conclusion of the rogatory inquiry in the cause for the beatification of Mother Carla Borgheri, let us not forget the profound humand and spiritual context in which her life unfolded.

Mother Carla Borgheri’s journey was not only marked by a profound commitment to the good of humanity but was deeply rooted in her devotion to the Holy Trinity. Just as she meditated on the mystery of the Incarnation, we too are reminded of the role of the Virgin Mary, who, with humility and faith, became the vessel through which the Word became flesh. In honoring Mother Carla, we also pay homage to the sacred feminine and the strength derived from Mary’s example.

Her resolute dedication to alleviating suffering and promoting love and kindness finds resonance in the teachings of Saint Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. Like Saint Joseph, Mother Carla embraced a life of detachment and unwavering trust in Jesus, embodying the virtues of humility and selfless service.

Born with a heart full of compassion and a mind guided by the Holy Spirit, Mother Carla’s journey draws parallels with the lives of Mary and Joseph. She worked diligently to uplift the marginalized, offering comfort to the oppressed, and advocating for those forgotten by society.

Throughout the beatification process, we have delved into the stories of Mother Carla’s life, discovering the countless instances in which her love and kindness were the guiding light for those in need. Her selfless acts, whether caring for the sick or comforting the afflicted, have left an unforgettable mark on the pages of our common humanity.

Mother Carla’s journey challenges us to look at our own lives and consider how we, too, can contribute to the betterment of the world around us, drawing inspiration from the humility of Mary and the steadfast trust of Saint Joseph.

In celebrating Mother Carla Borgheri today, we are not merely honoring a historical figure but embracing a timeless example of love and compassion. May her beatification serve as a call to action for all of us, inspiring a renewed commitment to service, empathy, and the desire for a more just and compassionate world.

Thank you, and may the spirit of Mother Carla, guided by the love of the Holy Trinity, continue to inspire and guide us all.

Waldery Hilgeman

The Rogatorial investigation has been opened in the diocese of Verapoly

Pubblicato il: lunedì 15 Gennaio 2024

I am honored to stand before you today with deep gratitude and a profound sense of respect as we come together to express our sincere gratitude to Archbishop Joseph. We appreciate his gracious acceptance to preside over the canonical investigation for the cause of beatification of the beloved Servant of God, Carla Borgheri. I also express my heartfelt gratitude to all the members of the Tribunal who have generously agreed to undertake this important ecclesiastical service.

As we begin this sacred journey to examine the life and virtue of Carla Borgheri, her own words come to mind, which capture the essence of her steadfast dedication to God’s will: “Those who do God’s will in everything can never go wrong. Even if the will is lived imperfectly, it does not fail to bring us close to the Father and to sanctify us” (Carla Borgheri, Testimoni di Cristo Frascati, June 27, 1997). These profound words resonate with the heart of Carla Borgheri’s spiritual journey and serve as a guide for all of us involved in this important process. Archbishop Joseph’s acceptance of the role of Delegate Judge in this cause for beatification testifies to his commitment to upholding the sanctity of the Church’s discernment process. To all the members of the Tribunal, your willingness to contribute your expertise and time to the study of the life, virtues, reputation for holiness, and attributed signs of Carla Borgheri is highly appreciated and commendable. Your dedication to this sacred cause embodies your devotion to the service of God and the Church.

As we embark on this blessed journey, let us remain united in prayer, invoking the intercession of Carla Borgheri, so that her exemplary life may be recognized and celebrated by the Church. It is through the community’s love and support that Mother Carla became a model of life, emphasizing that holiness is not just an individual effort but the fruit of an entire community that welcomes God and becomes the concrete face of His love in every field of life. May Archbishop Joseph and all the members of the tribunal be guided by the Holy Spirit in their discernment and ensure a careful and just investigation. Thank you, Archbishop Joseph, and thank you to all the members of the Tribunal for your selfless dedication to recognizing and honoring the holiness of Carla Borgheri. May God’s grace accompany us on this holy journey.

Dr. Waldery Hilgeman Postulator

Domenica delle Palme

Pubblicato il: domenica 2 Aprile 2023

Gesù entra in Gerusalemme ed il suo è un ingresso “trionfale”, come si addice a un vero Re di pace.
Impariamo ad accogliere anche noi Gesù, che seduto su un asinello ci ha insegnato che non serve molto per dimostrare il proprio valore: l’amore verso il prossimo è il dono più grande che possiamo fare agli altri!